Sunday, 8 April 2012

Assignment 2 - Diagonal

Diagonal by caroline..collins
Diagonal, a photo by caroline..collins on Flickr.

I had set up my table with tripod and had purchased flowers with the intention of gaining a good enough image for my assignment for any of the criteria. I found that tulips are quite good to position with their thick waxy leaves, I was using ‘live view’ with my laptop and was adjusting several times over to see what sort of image I could achieve with the focal length of 49mm. The light at the time of day was diminishing so I set my cameral to aperture priority f/23, shutter speed 1.0 sec, I set the ISO for 1600. The diagonal took a few times to adjust with my first attempt having  plain cream background, I felt though that something was missing, I looked around the room for ideas, by turning the table around I found that the plasma TV created a perfect background. The TV gave the impression of a canvas and which complimented the soft colour of the tulips.

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